Saturday 20 February 2010

Randy Gandhi

So i'm reading Gandhi's autobiography and it's a really good read. He's done amazing things and is someone who is known for not letting this world master him...yet i was pretty shocked to find out he was one randy guy. And at the same time I found it refreshing. It's the same with Martin Luther King...he was riddled with self doubt but trusted in God and He saw him through! I think I let the devil get a grip on me with guilt too much. I need to seek God's grace and realise I'm not prefect and never will be in this life but must press on to the amazing stuff.

NB It must be said that Gandhi did also learn to control this... in fact he abstained for the most part of his life.

'If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.' 1 John 1v8

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