Friday 14 January 2011

Mirror Mirror

Just finished reading the book 'Mirror, Mirror.' It was tough going as it made you look deep into your insecurities and see what makes you tick. What really struck me was how looking at myself in God's word I have a steady opinion of myself. However around other people it can vary: praise makes me feel more confident and happier; criticism makes me feel low and unappreciated. So the advice it gives is this: when you get praise, thank God for giving you great gifts to serve Him and enjoy; when you get criticism it should just remind you that you are sinful and that God's grace covers it. I am the same person with the same strengths and weaknesses in every situation so I shouldn't fluctuate with people's comments.

The other day in work I did something wrong and someone nicely told me what I needed to fix. I took a deep breath and thought, 'Yea I'm sinful. I'll try not to do that again. I'm still the same person who gets praise from helping others in work.' It actually really helped. I wouldn't say I'm fully secure in who I am, but I would say that I'm definitely on a journey to a better place with my identity.

In Church we say we should help those that struggle but when someone does something wrong we are often quick to jump and perhaps think they are not sincere in their faith. We would probably have a better self image in church if we were free to share our mistakes and failings; not making our wrongs acceptable but something to share and deal with.

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
1st Samuel 16 v7

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